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The show that inspires the port of Civitavecchia and the surrounding areas on April 28 … Santa Fermina

Tourist, April 28 if you are in Civitavecchia, the port of Civitavecchia and out of it we’ve got a show you can not miss.

On April 28 in Civitavecchia, in fact, we celebrate the patron saint, St. Fermina, the patron saint also of Amelia with which Civitavecchia is twinned because of this important relationship, religious and historical.

was born in Rome of his life we have very little information and a lot of folk traditions, some ancient and reliable enough that fueled the centuries the devotion to this young martyr.

Fermina, who lived at the end of the third century AD, was the daughter of the prefect of Rome.

Fifteen Fermina converted to Christianity devoted to faith in Christ throughout his life.

During transport from Ostia to Centumcellae – the current Civitavecchia – are locked in a violent storm and was quenched as a result of his prayers.

A council Centumcellae Fermina took refuge in a cave near the sea (now incorporated in the Forte Michelangelo) and here he devoted himself all’evangelizzazion the people of the port.

She went to Amelia, the young man was tortured by the faith by Diocletian and Maximian. Tough and strong as a rock, Fermina not desist tanche one of his own persecutors – Olympics – converted to Christianity along with their families.

Judged by Megezio, Fermina seized the crown of martyrdom on November 24 of the year 304.

The remains of his body were secretly buried by Christians and Amelia, found in 870, are then kept in the cathedral of that city.

Civitavecchia, built on the ruins of the ancient Centumcellae destroyed by the Saracens, has always had for this young martyr great devotion enough to proclaim Patron and Protector of Sailors of the City.

Some relics received from the Bishop of Amelia in 1647, are now held in the cathedral.

A special Standing Committee by the patron saint festivities culminating on April 28 of each year with traditional and solemn procession in the city and harbor.

The statue and the relics of the Saint are taken on board a tugboat that, among the festive sound of sirens or any vessel at anchor along the entire stretch of water port for the blessing of the sea and the launch of a laurel wreath in honor and memory of all the fallen sailors.

In the streets of the historic center, starting from the Avenue of Victory, just out from the port of Civitavecchia, and along the whole coast of the city crowd tens of thousands of tourists who flock civitavecchiesi and from all over the district, but also from Rome, to enjoy the stalls and the market that animates the city after the procession.
The atmosphere is quaint and folklore and deserves to be lived.

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