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The Tiber and its bridges

Ponte Cestio

Cestius Bridge connects the island to the right bank of the Tiber that extends the Trastevere district. The bridge, built in 46 BC by Lucius Cestius, politician Caesar, had originally central arch segmental arches and two smaller arches side, resting on pillars of tuff and lava stone covered with travertine. It was completely rebuilt with three arches, around 370 AD, the emperors Valens, Valentinian and Gratian, as shown in the registration reinserted into the right wall of the bridge, using the travertine near Theatre of Marcellus in ruins.

It is thought that the medieval name of the Tiber Island, Lycaonia, were due to the presence of this bridge of a statue representing the region of Asia Minor, which became a province in those same years, in 373 AD In the fifteenth century was also called Bartholomew bridge, from the homonymous church that stands on the Tiber Island, while in the seventeenth century was also called bridge Ferrato, the large amount of iron chains of the mills in the river.

During the construction of the walls, it was necessary to increase the distance between the island and the shore, with the consequent demolition of the main span, the materials of which, however, was reused in the renovation. A new intervention was needed in 1902 with the construction of special docks to curb the momentum of the current of the river in this part particularly strong. The last speech of 1999 arranged to restore the entire surface of travertine. The bridge measures 54 meters in length, 8 in width and has three arches muratura.tte.

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