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Places to Visit Tarquinia

Natural Reserve “Le Saline” in Tarquinia


The Natural Reserve of Animal Population”, established in 1980 is located in Tarquinia Lido in “Salt.” The protected area covers 170 hectares and has an atmosphere of considerable scientific interest and natural beauty for the particular vegetation including very rare species and the fauna.

The fauna

The site is open all year various species of resident and migratory birds: the pink flamingo, the egret, the heron heron, the bittern, the spatula, the Knight of Italy, the Gull, the sandwich tern, the White Heron majeure, the Oystercatcher, Lapwing, the Mute Swan, the Widgeon, the Mallard, the cormorant, the osprey, the quail, the pheasant.

In addition to birds are the Fox, the porcupine, the Nutria, Sea Urchin, the squirrel and the tortoise common.

The fish fauna

In the tanks are different varieties of fish and shellfish: mullet, bass, eels, shrimp, brine shrimp, crabs and clams.

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