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La Rocca


Built around 1000 on the remains of the port facilities Roman period to protect the dock, the structure of the fortress is characterized by clear architectural additions of Roman walls and medieval incorporated in the latest Renaissance architecture.

In 1167 the fortress was besieged by the troops of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, but the attacks were successfully repulsed. Several landowners if fought until in 1431 elected Pope Eugene IV came to the Church.

Pope Pius II in the fifteenth century endowed the Rock of an angular tower round of which are still visible remains. In the sixteenth century. with the construction of the Rocca Giulia, l ‘Antica was transformed into a residential palace dominated by the Clock Tower. From 1920 it was the seat of the municipality, but in 1943 the allied bombing reduced it to rubble.

The restoration that brought it back to an optimum condition returning it to the city dates back to 2000.

Striking is the terrace above, from which you can admire the Port and other remains of the fortress separated in modern times, with part of horrea (warehouses) of Roman Period.

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